There is a simple way to know what it is you need to work on, in the gym and in life. If there’s something you’re avoiding, that’s where you need to look. Instead of procrastinating, when I face challenges head on, only good can come from it, even if the results aren’t what I had wanted. Having faced it I am stronger, making the next obstacle less fearful.
People often fear failure, so they decide they can’t do something before they even try it. But instead of letting fear get the better of you, you can use it as ammunition to walk through something difficult.
People tend to not like things they aren’t good at, so they avoid it and never improve. Instead, why not work to get good at it? Empower yourself. Taking the easy way out is no challenge and has no rewards.
On “weak points” I have to work twice as hard so I might as well work three times as hard and turn them into strong points.
What are you afraid of? What have you been putting off?
Stay strong and stay tuned!
Copyright 2007-2009 Dallas Malloy